1st Annual Turkey "Best Bird" Photo Contest

Turkey #1 (3 Votes T-2nd)
This beauty was submitted from Ingrid and Scott from Chicago. Notice the seasonings have created a nice crust on top, and the even browning screams, "This is not my first rodeo".

Turkey #2 (Winner Winner Chicken Dinner 5 Votes)
Ok this one is a little awkward, and then there is the turkey. This bird submitted by Nathan shows a dedication to a bit.

Turkey #3 (2 Votes)
As if the poor bird hadn't suffered enough before Nate molested it, here is what it looked like before the ugliness.

Turkey #4 (2 Votes)
This delicious bird comes from Lisa in Chicago. You can tell it was delicious as the camera could not beat the hungry onlookers to the bird. It's a plump one.

Turkey #5 (2 Votes)
Being an inaugural photo contest, I didn't post any rules for submission. Therefore this artistic interpretation is of Fred and his birds. At least it has a turkey in it, and even one is edible.

Turkey #6
Like father like daughter. Here is Sara showing off her bird as well. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Turkey #7
Here is the actual bird, a nice juicy specimen that makes me hungry for Thanksgiving all over again.
Turkey #8 (T-2nd 3 Votes)
My Pop actually makes a mean turkey as well. The general rule is that my moms sticks to Indian food, and my pops does the American food. I think his thermometer lied to him, but it's the winner in my book.

I will disqualify myself. This is my turkey from the last time I cooked one. As you can see, eating makes me happy.
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to submit a photo of their turkeys this year. Hopefully this contest will only be larger over Christmas or even next Thanksgiving. There will be a prize for the winner, so please vote at the top left of this page and feel free to stuff the ballot box with friends. Good luck to you all and Happy Feasting. Please leave any comments or additional pics below!
It wouldn't be a complete post without some silly links, so here you go. If you have kids to entertain, or for those of you who are kids at heart, here are some Thanksgiving (and Christmas) coloring book templates to color in at home. Maybe you can't draw and don't want to let a piece of paper tell you where you can or can not color, then you can create your own funny turkey right here.
Have fun, and if this is your first stop at this site, please feel free to peruse my previous posts of when this site used to bring you the hard hitting news from the Food Festival circuit.